Clinton took and afternoon off from the farm and the three of us went to the zoo then to Buff. wild wings afterwards. Sophie seems to enjoy lookihjng at all the animals. She kept pulling herself forward as far as she could go to see the animals. I didn't want to upload a lot of pictures but you get the point. The last exhibit Sophie fell asleep. The fun day really wore her out.
Well This past month Sophie is pretty much just growing into a little girl. No new skills really, just improving her already accomplished ones. She can stand up and get down faster everyday. She likes to play peekaboo atleast once a day especially on days I do laundry. She uses clothing to hide under. She loves looking through her books and now I think she's starting to pretend she's reading them. She'll flare her arms around and make noise as she looks and turns the pages. She gets kinda noisy sometimes. She's learning more and more everyday to walk around furniture. Standing is her favorite. Whenever I'm cooking in the kitchen at some point Sophie will crawl over and use my leg to stand and clutch me, arms wrapped around tight and she'll cry out for me to pick her up. Just this morning I helped her get up and balanced to her walker and off she went. She was great. The more we encouraged her the more she seemed to enjoy it. I'm excited for her 9 month checkup on thursday. Here are a few pictures that I took this past week.