Friday, December 14, 2007

Roll Over!

Sophie Serene, my baby girl rolled over for the first time this past hour. I'm soooo excited for her. Now we'll really need to keep an eye on our little daughter. She's doing wonderfully. I love her so much!!! Can't wait to see what the new year will bring us! Here's some pic's

I took this picture just after she rolled off the blanket.

Josie Rose

Clinton's brother Grant and his wife Tiffany had their first baby yesterday morning. Their daughter is named Josie Rose, 7lbs 30z 19.5 inches long. We're so happy and proud of them. She's adorable. I don't however have any pictures of my own yet because my camera needed new batteries :( She has lots of hair! Pictures to come soon!

Welcome Josie Rose Sjoquist!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Sophie's Baptism

Alice and Nate, Sophie's Godparents

I love this dress!!!!

Sophie Serene was baptized this weekend on December 9th. It was just beautiful... I couldn't have asked for a better baby, not a peep out of her. She was sleeping until they put the water on her, then she was awake and watching, very cute. Again, my mother in law made the dress for her. I couldn't have asked for or designed a more beautiful dress. It was so Sophie, pretty with pink!

Well our Christmas shopping is almost complete, only a few gifts left to buy. Thank goodness I started buying early this year. It makes the holiday season so much more less stressful. My sister and her husband will be in town for the holidays so we are looking forward to that. Clinton's sister Serene and husband Daryn will also be in town. So much to look forward too!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Christmas is soon!

Sophie's aunt Tiffany and her cousin, still in baby belly!
Clinton cutting down Sophies first Christmas tree this past Saturday

Sophie and her bedtime buddies

Well I just got Sophie weighed today. She is 14lbs. 3oz and 25 1/4 inches. She's doing great. We are so excited for this upcoming holiday season. I just decorated our tree today. It's so fun making our house festive! Sophie is being baptized this weekend and we are very excited about that. Cant' wait. That's about it, I wanted to give a quick update. Happy holidays!