Self explanatory
All smiles
My little side sleeper, like mom
Sophie has discovered how useful her hands are this past week. She's using them to grab at toys now and even hold on. Sophie even brought the toy to her mouth for the first time last night but mom wasn't camera fast enough. She has seen her hands now too, stared at them but hasn't quite figured 'em out enough to really get to know them yet :) She's kinda plateaud in weight gain just under 12lbs at 11lbs 13oz. Of course she had her second diaper explosion on the way there, so maybe that was the explanation for the decreased weight gain. All in all Sophie is doing great. Changing absolutely every day. It may not be a whole new thing that she is doing but just progress on small developmental things. Lately she has really clung to me. She watches me so intently, I don't think I've ever been stared at more in my life. She watches me until I'm out of veiw and waits there with her eyes until I reappear. It's crazy how much my little lady has changed in just over 8 weeks now. She is almost 2 months now and will have her first set of shots this friday for her well visit. I wonder how much she has grown in length, I'm thinking a lot but who knows.
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