Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's 2010!

Well, I realize it's been a while since I've written on here so I thought I'd throw out a quick update of everything that's happened since June this last year.

Sophie- She turned 2 in September, we had a nice party outside in our front yard with family. Sophie has become "miss "I do it myself." This equals out to, some of her clothes getting put on inside out and backwards, but usually she gets it right. Most of the time she has to open doors herself, close doors and open the fridge. She is just so independant. She is mommy's little helper. She is always right next to me when I do laundry, she helps put clothes in the wash, helps stuff clothes in the dryer, close the door and helps carry laundry out for me to fold it. She even puts her clothes away. Now, .. not all clothes make it back to where they are suppose to go, but it still helps out a lot. She loves when I clip her nails (weird how she used to hate it when she was an infant), she loves when I put her hair up. I'll ask her to go get a clip and hair tie and she goes to her room, gets them and comes to sit on my lap. She likes to have her hair put up, it's very cute. She loves to wear her tutu around the house, well both of them actually. She calls them her tutoots. Recently she has discovered how to take her clothes off. Oh boy.... One night Clinton and I were sitting on the couch talking about how we wish we could be given all of our children at the age of 2 (forget the baby stage). We both agreed we could handle four kids if they came to us that way :) Just as that moment Sophie turned the corner butt naked dancing in circles. Clinton looked at me and said, "let's make that 3...." She is so much fun; I just love this age :) All morning she's been saying to me "you stinker" when we've been playing. It's funny hearing her say it to me.. her mommy.

Clinton- As for Clinton.... he tore his PCL, which is his posterior cruciate ligament on the backside of his knee. He did this playing softball,.. sliding into 3rd apparently. This happened in June I believe. Anyways, he hadsurgery in Mid- October. The surgery went better than the doctor expected. His rehab time ended up being cut in half from 3 months to 6 weeks because he achieve all his physical therapy goals early. He still has some knee pain but it comes and goes. Clinton also went ahead and bought himself a brand new snowmobile. I have no idea what kind it is so don't ask. I just know that I have leverage on him for the next five years. Meaning... any purchase I make he can't argue with :)

As for me- We are pregnant again due June 24th. This would put me at 16 weeks now. Everything seems to be going ok. The baby is measuring about a week ahead (head to rump measurement) as of 4 weeks ago. I'm just starting to feel the baby move now. I felt it at 14.5 weeks with Sophie but my placenta was posterior with her. In this pregnancy the placenta has moved from fundal (top) to anterior (front). They said it will take longer to feel movement because of that. I have a gut feel it's a boy but I don't really have much to back myself up on. I feel generally the same as I did with Sophie (in regards to pregnancy symptoms). I'm not showing anyfaster with this one as with the last. The only difference is that my belly seems lower and pointier (if that makes sense) maybe my ligaments are so loosened up already they just gave out and they let the baby sag more... jk. I wouldn't say I have any cravings either yet. I do however get hungry for real meals vs. sweets. That doesn't stop me from eating sweets but I just don't care for them quite as much as I did with Sophie or even probably less that I do not pregnant. My morning sickness has tapered off now. I thought it was gone a couple weeks back but the holidays and family visiting really threw off my sleep schedule which makes me sick. So I went one week without puking and then I puked 3 more times in one weeks just from not going to bed on time.
- As for school, I finished the LPN program and started up the RN program pretty much instantaneously. Three weeks into the program I passed my LPN boards on the first try. I was very happy, and relieved. I passed the first of two semesters of the RN program and I just waiting to start my last semester next week. I made it through three semesters (and a summer semester) with a 4.0 gpa. I'm very happy about that. Hopefully I can keep it up for one more semester. It may help me get into another program if I choose to go back and get a 4 year degree. Right now I'm leaning towards going to Winona State. That is if I ever go back. If I do... I'm bound and determined that I will have my employer pay for me to go back :) Let's hope they offer that to me where ever I get a job. My career interests still lie in obstetrics mostly particularly nursing care related to conception/fertility. I would maybe even be interested in becoming a lactation consultant. I may look more into that this summer when I'm at home with baby. I'm also interested in Endocrinology such as diabetes. My instructor at school says she thinks I would make an excellent Diabetes Educator. That would be an interesting job. Nursing is such a great field to go into considering there are so many different avenues you can take....Well, that is going to be it for an update. I have been slacking on taking pictures so I won't be leaving you with any. Sorry. You know what we look like anyways right?! :)

1 comment:

LPN Schools said...

That would be an interesting job. Nursing is such a great field to go into considering there are so many different avenues you can take.